An interview with Giles Lane about building unbiased AI systems “In the construction industry, cutting corners in materials and safety inspections often leads to dangerous vulnerabilities… Such dangers exist too in failing to adequately address bias in source data and training sets… A systemic approach to ethical assessment across an entire organisation would help reduce …

How to build a more ethical, unbiased AI systemRead More »

When talking about digital transformation, there is always a risk of misunderstandings and misalignment. Below is set of descriptions that can help clarify what is meant the terminology such as digitisation, digitalisation, digital transformation and related ones. Defining this can help developing a common language with working on digital transformation.
So, what is digitisation, digitalisation and digital transformation?

Smart contracts have been widely discussed as a promising area for blockchain. The base tech in this case, however, is actually AI. This is interesting since AI could be said to be more mature than blockchain (this of course doesn’t mean that blockchain could not become embedded as well).

Latitude 55 Consulting

Digital technologies are transforming industries, with virtually no exception. Change goes beyond computerization and connectivity. It is more fundamental. Digitalization is transforming how value chains are organized. In fact, it is moving away from value chains as we have known them hitherto to the emergence of digital ecosystems.